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December 04, 2007


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Your pattern looks excellent! I can't wait to make a Nisse for myself!


Very cute and the photos & tutorial were beautifully done. I can't wait to make one of my own! Thank you!


i cannot believe that you're offering that as a free pattern. how hard do you rock? oh, so hard! yippeeeee!


i cannot believe that you're offering that as a free pattern. how hard do you rock? oh, so hard! yippeeeee!


Soooo very cute! Thanks for sharing the pattern.


I don't know you, but I think I love you. For certain, I love your pixies! Thank you so much!


It is so, so generous of you to post this pattern! These are adorable and I am going to make some "Tomato Pixies" for my kids...


Merci pour le tuto
thank you for the tutorial
je vais essayer de le faire
à bientôt


Thanks so much for this pattern, I cannot wait to make one. Merry Christmas !!


This is so cute and even better the pattern is free! Thank you, thank you, thank you so much!!!! I can't wait to make this for my daughter. We have had several visits from a secret elf during the last week. He's been kind enough to leave notes and holiday goodies for my daughter. This Christmas pixie will be a gift from that secret elf once it has been completed. Thank you for sharing your creativity and talent, my daughter will love this!

Claire k

ouaouhhhhhhhhhhhhh quelle merveille!!!
many thanks for the tuto
i will try to make
claire k


Tkank you for sharing very cute and great pattern.
I made my own.
The tutorial is very helpful.


You know, I have been oogling all the knitted gnomes that are popping up everwhere. Thanks for your christmas pixie pattern and tutorial. It is on my must make list.


Hello !

In advance, I'm sorry for my poor English language...I'm French and I saw this article. I love it. It will be perfect for my "filleule" for her third (troisième) christmas. If possible, can you send me this tutorial ? Thanks a lot and thank you very much for your blog (I love especially clothes you sewed). I put it in my favourites...!


I was wondering if there is any chance that you could send me the tutorial. I started to make one for christmas last year but became unwell and have only started to sew again.
Regards Lucy


le tuto est-il toujours disponible ?


Is there any way I could get the pattern? I psyched myself up to make these pixies, and then came here to print the pattern, and it's gone! Sad.


I would be willing to buy the pattern from you, if you would let me. :)


agh! i had bookmarked this adorable pixie to make for christmas presents this year, and now the pattern is gone! please share with me how i can get it. i'll happily pay for it. i promise not to distribute it or sell them. it will be a sad holiday without a house full of pixies.


Oh ,I love this. If anyone still has the pattern and is willing to share...could you email it to me? I really would love to make this for my little girl.


I have wanted to make this and just saw I could download the patern but alas :( it is no longer available for download. Does anyone have a copy they could send me? I would love to have it.

Nyssa Rae

I too, only just saw this pattern and would be interested, are you intending to sell this at some point, it would be great if you let us know :D


Hi, I came here for the pattern for this wonderful Christmas Pixie and now it is gone!
Cry cry, how sad! Could anyone e-mail me this pattern, or is it availble to buy?? Please let me know, I wanted to make these funny guys this Christmas.


I would just love to have this pattern if anyone is willing to share. I'm trying to save money by making gifts.


I would also love to have this pattern for the pixies. Can anyone share? Thank-you so very much! Happy holidays!

hypotheek forum

I observed this blog one among the refreshing sites with briefed information. Thanks dude.



Es-il possible encore d'avoir le tutorial de ces charmants lutins ?


Same here, looking for the pattern.... anyone?

Madeleine Le  Noir

Bonjour, est-ce que ce serait possible de savoir où je pourrais me procurer le patron de "Christmas Pixie"? J'aimerais bien le fabriquer pour Noël.




is the pattern available or is it available for sale anywhere? these are just too adorable!



Unfortunately I have lost the pattern of this Pixie in my computer and I would like to know how to save it again.

Thank you in advance for the reply

Best Regards



Here are days and days I'm looking to buy or the boss or a kit, in France we do not find these adorable imps you know an address or I can get it thank you very much

voilà des jours et des jours que je cherche ou acheter le patron ou un kit , en france on ne trouve pas ces lutins adorables connaissez vous une adresse ou je peux me le procurer merci beaucoup

Barbara Rushen

Would appear that i'm a very late comer to this cute christmas pixie pattern. Just a shame it's been taken off. sob:( sob:( if anyone is willing to share with someone from down under that would be wonderful. G'Day from down under

Piano et cie

Bonjour, est-ce possible d'avoir à nouveau ce patron à télécharger? Peut-être que quelqu'un pourrait le remettre sur le net?

Piano et cie

Theresa Daniel

Well , as usual I'm late to finding this website and now the pattern is no longer available. Would anyone be willing to share? Thanks so much


could anyone send me this pattern - thanks


does anyone have the christmas pixie pattern they would share with me?

thanks so much!!


Plis, Can anyone share??


Almost 3 years later and sadly I am also after this fantastic pattern of the pixie. Would love to make it for my daughter. Willing to pay!


has anyone still got this pattern please, :)

יין ישראלי

It is so nice and even better the pattern is free! Thank you very much! Thanks for sharing your creativity and talent, my daughter will love it!


It's so beautiful!!! Please, can you send me a pattern? Thank you. J.


Bonjour, je suis maman d'un petit bout de 20 mois et le ou la 2è est prévu pour Noël, alors comme beaucoup d'autres je souhaiterai savoir s'il y a un moyen de se procurer le patronage de ce superbe lutin. S'il vous plait, ce serait vraiment très gentil à vous.

A très vite, j'espère avec de bonnes nouvelles!


does anyone have the christmas pixie pattern they would share with me?
That would be great !


I just went to the material store and bought fabric. When I went to print the pattern it is no longer available. Please HELP!


Yes can we buy the pattern somehow. I want to make some.

Stacy Lindblom

Hi, like the other gals, I would love to have this pattern. Is it for sale?


I have also been on the hunt for a pixie pattern as I don't want to pay the outrageous prices for a store bought doll. I was so excited to find this one and so sad when it had been removed. I am going to see if I can get a pattern worked up rahter than being at someone else's mercy.


just found this adorable elfie doll...anyone STILL have pattern to share PLEASE! :)

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